How to Market Yourself as a Self-Publisher

When it comes to marketing yourself as a self-publisher you seriously need to look at what it is that makes you stand out from the crowd. In a world where everyone is trying to make themselves known, you want to be sure you are promoting yourself as the best possible version in order to entice your client base and your collaborators.

Consider the following:

  • What is your USP?
  • Do you understand your audience?
  • Are you oversharing on social media?
  • Be more than your subject matter
  • Stay true to who you are

What is your USP?

Give serious thought to what your unique selling points are. Examine your interests, your talents, your genre even and immerse yourself in these qualities to ensure you are fluent in each area. People are interested to know what makes you, you!

Do you understand who your audience is?

Once you know your USPs and what type of self-publisher you are, the type of audience you are trying to attract quickly falls into place. The trick then is making sure you find them and make them aware of your books. The best way to do this is through self-promotion. Whether you are writing in an e-newsletter or fan forum, sharing posts on social media or speaking at conferences and events, in person or via Zoom; you want to be sure you are getting your work out there and in front of like-minded people.

Are you oversharing on social media?

Remember, everything your share should be part of the bigger picture and relate back to your written work to best promote and sell your books. Nobody needs to know about what you had for breakfast and whether you agreed with the latest episode of The Great British Bake Off. You want to make sure the things you are sharing are relatable to you as a self-publisher; consider yourself a business, and keep it professional.

Why is it important to be more than your subject matter?

Whilst the best way to market yourself as a self-publisher is to promote your strengths, skills and interests. You also want to be sure you are not simply pigeon-holed into one medium. Make sure you stay connected with the wider world and get involved in things that aren’t necessarily in your comfort zone. You will find you are much more appealing to the masses if you are more than your specialism.

Stay true to who you are

The best thing you can do when marketing yourself as a self-publisher is to stay true to yourself. It’s all well and done to listen to your audience and community, but make sure they are not the ones leading you in the wrong direction. Remember who you are and what you want to achieve and don’t compromise on your beliefs for a sliver of success.

It’s a fine balance when it comes to marketing yourself as a self-publisher. You will find yourself putting in as many hours promoting your work as you do, creating the publication in the first place. Remember to remain true to your long-term goals and ensure you are relevant and relatable both in the physical and digital spaces to gain true recognition as a self-publisher.

If you’re considering self-publishing, consider BookPrinting. We offer book printing for self-publishers and our dedicated team have a wealth of experience in the book production and publishing arena. We produce high quality books and provide assistance to publishers and authors so they can focus on what they do best. Whether you’re looking for a free bespoke estimate or some professional advice, contact us today and let us help you. Call us on 01525 621742 / 01525 621754 or email: