Printing And Binding For Self Publishers

Writing a book is not an easy thing to do – it takes hard work, a lot of patience and a dedication to the task. And if you’ve gone through all that to produce your book then you, quite naturally, want to see it in print on a bookshelf in a book shop or library or simply sat on a coffee table somewhere Not everybody is aware as to how to go about making that happen. There are many aspects to consider in producing the finished article as you need it to be printed and bound and you may need some guidance and help in designing the all-important book cover. Fortunately for all those self-publishers there is now a relatively straightforward process to get your hard work onto a printed page by using an online book printing supplier. Here are the things you need to consider when self-publishing you fiction book:

Online Book Printing Company

There are many book-printing companies UK available from which to choose to get your fiction book into print. Simply select a preferred online printing service provider. Your book printing supplier will usually allow you access to their website to which you can upload your PDF file containing your completed written work. Just ensure that the PDF file is in the correct format and dimensions stated and use only 100% black ink. It is always worth remembering also, to allow space at the page edges for trimming and keep all the images and text within the boundary guidelines to prevent any loss of content.

How Many Copies?

Consider the number of copies you would like to produce – you may want to ‘test the water’ with a small number of copies before considering the expense of a larger print run. Many online print companies can do short run paperback book printing to produce a small batch of your book and if you need to print more at a later date, it is an affordable and controllable task.

Different Types of  Book Printing

There are different book printing options available to anybody self-publishing. Firstly, decide upon whether you want your book to be printed as a paperback or hardback product. Hard or softback book printing is available from your book printing supplier which can produce either option in any print run volume. If it is your first fiction book, and you have no ‘yardstick’ as to its’ potential popularity, then softback book printing may be the less expensive option with which to start.

Anther consideration for the printed copies are which paper options you would like to utilise. Is the content of your book better suited to full colour pages or black and white, and would your book look better with single or double-sided printed pages?

Which Binding to Choose?

With regards to book binding there are a few different options and styles from which to choose – all forms of book binding techniques involve assembling the pages together into a finished, readable document, usually with front and back covers. There are two overarching forms of book binding. Traditional and automatic, and – depending upon the format and size of the book the most appropriate book binding technique will be employed. Automatic binding is more often used for larger print runs, whilst the more traditional hand-binding is used on smaller volumes. Dependent upon the books content and category, you should select the most appropriate book binding finish you require. There are different specialised options for paperback or hardback books. Your book being a fictional novel, and therefore likely to be a larger paperback book, then perfect binding is a good option. Perfect-bound books have a definitive spine, ideal for printing the book title and author, and makes the book far more visible on display on a shelf in a shop or library. The pages are essentially glued against the spine as single sheets making the book more durable as well as providing a visually appealing finish. Case binding is a technique that is ideal for hardcover books – they tend to be of higher quality and is a more expensive binding option but are much more durable and have a much longer shelf-life. The pages are sewn together into sections and are then glued to the last papers and then the covers.

Finalise a Book Cover

You have options for your book covers. If you have designed your own cover and had the appropriate artwork completed, then you can simply upload the finished design to your preferred online book printing company. If, however, you need inspiration or help and advice with your book cover design then many book-printing companies UK will offer access to their online publisher’s design service. From there you can get guidance in choosing the best option and once your cover design is complete, you can select the desired finish for the book’s appearance.

Whether your book is destined to be a bestseller and make you wealthy and famous, or is simply for distribution to a select few, then self-publishing by utilising an online book printing company can deliver you a professional printed work worthy of the hard work and effort you have invested into it.

Choose Book Printing 

If you’re printing your first or your umpteenth book, consider BookPrinting. Our dedicated team have a wealth of experience in the book production and publishing arena and can provide assistance to anyone who wants to know how to get a book printed. We offer high quality book printing, custom book printing, and softcover book printing, all within the UK. Whatever your requirements, we are confident we can help!

Whether you’re looking to order book printing online or are looking for a free bespoke estimate, contact us today and let us help you to get a book printed. Call us on 01525 621742 / 01525 621754 or email: